Lifelong Learning:
Meeting each person where they are.
From young participants just out of high school to mid-life adults and seniors, Reimagine provides the environment, as well as curricula designed to align with each student’s learning journey. In on-site and community settings, we develop personalized plans and administer ongoing developmental supports.
Focusing on the specialized needs of our neurologically and physically challenged participants, Reimagine’s approach:
- Combines proven practices with innovation; adapting projects and experiences to personal styles of learning to achieve greater independence and satisfaction
- Stresses partnership with each person, their family, physician, and their community; working together to maintain one’s optimal capacity
- Supports adults in accessing higher education at local community colleges and in classes at two Reimagine campus locations.
- Includes subjects from computer literacy to career exploration to health and fitness
- Encourages learners to expand their horizons and abilities toward achieving personal, educational and vocational goals
Independent Living Skills Services
- Hands-on training with housekeeping
- Advocacy
- Health and medical
- Meal preparation
- Fitness and nutrition
- Home and community safety
- Socialization
- Benefits management
- Money management
- Shopping in natural environments
- Much more…