Reimagine Blog

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“Empowering Possibilities” A Success

“Empowering Possibilities” A Success

Santa Ana, Calif. (June 5, 2023) — Reimagine and nine aligned nonprofits partnered with the Orange County Community Foundation (OCCF) on June 1 for Empowering Possibilities, a collaborative online Giving Day to support efforts in supporting the needs of Orange County...

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OC Talk Radio Spotlight on Reimagine

OC Talk Radio Spotlight on Reimagine

How does Reimagine OC help people with disabilities thrive? Find out by listening to OC Talk Radio Public Affairs Director Dawn Kamber’s interview with Reimagine OC Chief Executive Officer Sofia Martinez. She talks about how Reimagine’s programs are in line with its...

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A Virtual Blessing

A Virtual Blessing

“Thumbs up! I love all of the virtual classes. I think they are wonderful.” - Sharon, participates in Bingo, Jeopardy, sing alongs, scrabble, seated exercise/meditation & concerts One year into the pandemic, Reimagine’s virtual campus is going strong—Zumba, art,...

Vaccines Explained

Vaccines Explained

The COVID-19 Virus and the Vaccine Explained As much as many of us hoped the start of a new year would bring some relief from the pandemic, we find ourselves still in its center. As a service provider to people with disabilities – many of whom are at high-risk of...

Achieve Physical Therapy Goals

Achieve Physical Therapy Goals

Participants Strive to Achieve Physical Therapy Goals During the Pandemic Even with stay-at-home orders over the past year, some participants who had been receiving physical therapy (PT) from Reimagine have found ways to make progress when they couldn’t attend...

Learning is Forever

Learning is Forever

Learning is Forever and For All of Us   By Marsalee Malatesta, Chief of Services, Health and Wellness, Reimagine On the surface, people with disabilities may seem completely different than people without disabilities. But dive deeper, and you’ll find that people with...

People with Disabilities Get Out the Vote

People with Disabilities Get Out the Vote

People with Disabilities Get Out the Vote By Dr. Glenn Motola An estimated 38 million eligible voters have disabilities. Now more than ever, it is important for this diverse group of voters to participate in the electoral process. Just like people without...